.. Agrippa I, year 42 (GBC 555 - TJC 122) .. 36 specimens listed . THE 3 BEST SPECIMENS
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.. . 1. DIES SECTION . . 1. Obverse dies . Die O1
. Die O2
.. Die O3
.... Die O4
.. Die O5
.. Die O6 (The diameter of this specimen is about 10% smaller than the norm)
.. Dies O7 to O13 (?)
. ... Presently impossible to classify:
. . 2. Reverse dies . Die R1: "Z" of date faces "H"
. Die R2
.. Die R3
.. Die R4
.. Die R5: "Z" of date faces between "H" & "P"
. Die R6: "Z" of date faces between letters "A" & "H"
... Die R7: "Z" of date faces "A"
... Die R8: The ground is curved under the left Tyche's foot:
.. Die R9
.. Dies R10 to R21 (?)
.. Presently impossible to classify:
. ... 2. COUNTERMARK SECTION . . 2.1 Countermark depicting a head 2.1.1 Female head
2.1.2 Male head
2.1.3 Head to left
. . 2.2 Elliptic countermark 2.2.1 Elliptic countermark 1 (Note that the diameter of this specimen is about 10% smaller than the norm)
. . 2.3 Other countermarks