Founded by JP Fontanille . - - - - - - - HER 13: Herod the Great, struck c. 23 BCE, prutah - 29 specimens listed (+ 4 hybrids, see type 18) - See plates 73-74 in the book The Coins of Herod - - - - - - - . THE 3 FINEST SPECIMENS
. ....
. 1. OBVERSE DIES .. SERIES A (Obverse dies also used for striking Type 12)
Composite picture: Connected to R1
Connected to R4
O1 has also been used in association with the reverse die depicting two crossed palm branches (H495) ....
.. Die O2 Connected to R1
. O2 has also been used in association with the reverse die depicting two crossed palm branches (H495) . . .. Die O3 Connected to R2
O3 has also been used in association with the reverse die depicting two crossed palm branches (H495) . . . Die O4 Connected to R1
Connected to R2
O4 has also been used in association with the reverse die depicting two crossed palm branches (H495) .. . .. .. SERIES B (Obverse dies not used for striking Type 12) .. Die O5 Connected to R4
Connected to R5
.. Die O6: No ground under the tripod Connected to R3
Connected to R2
.... Die O7 Connected to R1
... Die O8 Connected to R1
..... Die O9 Connected to R6
... 2. H496 REVERSE DIES . Die R1 Connected to O4
Connected to O1
Connected to O2
Connected to O7
Connected to O8
Connected to ? (the obverse is too poor to be identified. It might be an hybrid)
. Die R2 Connected to O3
Connected to O4
Connected to O6
. .
Frame with no dots (type 2). Composite picture: Connected to O6
Frame with dots. Composite picture: Connected to O1
Connected to O5
... Die R5 Connected to O5
Hybrid with die R5 connected to the die O2 of type 9:
..... Die R6 Connected to O9
.... Die R7 This reverse die is only known as connected to the die O2 of type 9 (hybrids):